Below is some general information about our graduation ceremony this Friday, at EHS.  Late Wednesday, or early Thursday following a test/run-through we will be sharing additional information for folks that will not be able to attend, and how they can access a live broadcast of the ceremony.

  1.  The graduation ceremony will be taking place in the EHS Parking lot at 7:00 PM on Friday Night.  We have a stage set up extra high so that hopefully everyone can see from their cars.
  2. We are working in conjunction with KOCF 92.7 FM to broadcast the ceremony.  Attendees at the ceremony will listen via their car radios.
  3. Unfortunately, each graduate is only allowed 2 vehicles max.  One that they are in, and one additional vehicle.  These “2nd vehicles” must have a pass (the graduates will get them Wednesday night) you must have this pass in order to enter.  All of these “2nd vehicles” must enter EHS via Fir Grove Lane off of Territorial.  The gate to enter will open at 6:00 PM.
  4. Folks not in attendance will be able to listen to the broadcast via KOCF 92.7 on their radios (if local) or through a streaming of the KOCF broadcast at:
  5. We hope to have a live video stream of the ceremony through either facebook live, or youtube live.  More information on how to access that will be coming out shortly.
  6. We are working on expanding our wifi capabilities tremendously for this event, in the parking lot.  This will allow attendees in cars to view the stream.  However, with 180 cars, all streaming….limiting to one device per car (phone, tablet, laptop, etc…) will be VERY helpful.  Thank you for your assistance.
  7. The nature of this ceremony is undoubtedly going to take longer than the traditional hour.  Please be patient, and there will be port-a-potties available on site.
  8. Please maintain social distancing guidelines when in attendance.
  9. Masks are recommended for visitors and graduates, but not required.  All staff assisting with the ceremony will be wearing masks.

We look forward to celebrating the class of 2020!  Go Falcons

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