The weekly community Q and A sessions will continue for two more weeks. They occur at 3:30 on Wednesday afternoons. As a reminder, the direct link to these is
In yesterday’s session there were two questions I was not 100% sure on, below are those questions, and the answers. Thanks to everyone that attends these, and shares the information with the community.
- Q: Can non-FRSD kids get free meals once food service begins?
- A: Yes. We have received Federal Waivers that allow any child/student ages 0-18 that shows up to get a meal (breakfast and lunch) free. At our pick-up sites, all that will need to be given is the last name. You many only access one pick-up site per day.
- Q: Can you confirm the Options start date:
- A: Yes, it will be Tuesday, September 22nd, just like all other district programs (except limited in person instruction at EHS this is currently delayed one week due to a student positive COVID test). The first week will certainly look different that it will in week 2, or week 3. The focus will be less on curriculum and instruction, and more on showing care and connection with our students, practicing simple skills such as logging into zoom and other technology functions as well as “training” students on how to use their devices and engage with teachers daily.
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