With winter approaching, I wanted to share our current plans should a school closure be necessary. If the District closes for weather (snow, ice, loss of power, etc..) there will NOT be any remote classes for that first day. However, this is only a 100% commitment on the first day of the closure. On day 1 of a closure due to weather we will let our students and families enjoy the excitement of a no-school day. As that day progresses and we look at the possible length of a closure, teachers and administrators will get together to discuss if we will resume virtual/remote classes, and if so when and for what grades. Please pass along this information to anyone that needs it.
A reminder that our “Emergency Information” page can be found here: https://www.fernridge.k12.or.us/?page_id=478
At this page you can sign up for Flash Alert Notifications (updated 2020 snow routes coming) https://www.flashalert.net/login/. On the morning of a weather delay, we will also post information on the website, social media, and do a district wide phone dialer.
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