With some students returning to school beginning in January, we need to adjust the ways we get out meals for students. Below are the options that will begin on Monday, January 4th. These options will be in place for at least a few weeks, and if we can add a bus stop in the community after a week or two, we will do that.
OPTION 1: Each weekday (Monday-Friday) from 11:00-12:30 in the EHS North parking lot, there are two meal options. The options include a “hot meal” or a sack lunch. Breakfasts for the following morning are available as well.
OPTION 2: Each Monday night from 5-6 PM, in the EHS North lot, families can pick up a “kit” of meals for the week. To ensure your family is on the list, and we make the appropriate amount of meals, you should email our food service director, Alan Fullerton, at afullerton@fernridge.k12.or.us, or leave him a message at 541-935-8218, stating the number of children ages 0-18 you will be picking up for.
OPTION 3: For the approximately 200 students district-wide that will be coming onto campus beginning Tuesday, January 5th, for 2 hours a day, they will have an option to leave school with a sack lunch containing lunch and a breakfast for the next morning.
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