The American Rescue Plan Act, 2021 (ARP Act or ARPA) provides an additional $122 billion for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund III (ESSER III or ARP ESSER). $1.1 billion will be awarded to Oregon. ESSER III Grants will be awarded to local education associations in the proportion they received funds under Part A of Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) in fiscal year 2020. ESSER III Fund grants can be used to reimburse eligible expenses incurred between March 13, 2020 and September 30, 2024.
The process and paperwork for engagement, allocation, and budgeting is important work. There are a number of requirements and factors that have to be considered when working with a team to decide what will be funded.
ESSER III Overarching Outcome:
Address student needs arising from the coronavirus pandemic and/or to emerge stronger post-pandemic, which may include reopening schools safely, sustaining their safe operation, and addressing students’ social, emotional, and mental health.
FRSD Proposed Activities:
- Additional Staffing to support District Initiatives
- Software and Curriculum
- Support for covering student fees and dues
- Afterschool Programming Opportunities
- Expand Summer Programming K-12 through the Summer of 2024
- Targeted Professional Development (Professional Learning Communities, Essential Standards, Equity, Response to Intervention)
- Stipends/Overtime Hours/Extra Duty
- Student Supports and Incentives
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
FRSD Ongoing Engagement Opportunities:
- Monthly Q and A
- Public Input at Board Meetings
- Building ESSA teams
- District Key Communicators
- Ongoing opportunity to call or email Director of K-12 Programs: 541-935-2253
- Engagement Surveys
- Informational posts and updates to District website
- Targeted outreach via phone, home visits, etc.
Any student, parent, and/or community feedback on this work is appreciated. Please feel free to share public comments with Michelle Smith,, to be read at FRSD School Board Oct. 18th or email Michelle Marshall directly at
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