Fern Ridge School District

Thank you to the many staff members that put in extra work to make sure our current 5th and 6th graders are getting an “Outdoor School” experience.

Special thanks to Mrs. Leatham and Mrs. Marshall who spearheaded this effort. While it looks different than normal, the first day of 6th grade outdoor school is a success and we look forward to our 5th graders participating next week!



Dear Families, 

Recently, we were notified of a small number of COVID-19 student cases in the District.  It is also important to mention that none of the cases were school related in regards to transmission.  As members of the school community, we understand that this might raise concerns, alongside a caring response. We are working closely with Lane County Public Health to respond to this news. 

Each situation calls for different protocols. In this case: 

  1. The school was notified on  April 27, 2021 that a member of the school community had tested positive.

The following protocols were put in place:

  1. The 4 students who tested positive are staying home from school.
  2. Anyone who was in close contact with the person who tested positive, has been notified and they are self quarantining.                                                                                                                                            

 The School has been working with our District Health Nurse and Lane County Public Health to review classroom logs.  Anyone who was identified as having a close contact with the person who tested positive has been notified.  

The best way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is through staying home when ill, wearing face coverings, physical distancing, and practicing good health hygiene habits. Be sure to wash your hands frequently with soap and water, cover your coughs and sneezes, and avoid contact with people who have signs of illness. Get plenty of rest, exercise, and eat a healthy diet. 

Protect the community by following the Governor’s safety requirements. Wearing cloth face coverings reduces the spread of viruses. 

We will keep you updated with any new information as it comes out, while meeting the requirements to honor everyone’s right to privacy. 

More information can be found on the Oregon Department of Education’s Ready Schools, Safe Learners page, and the Oregon Health Authority’s COVID-19. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our District nurse at tparsons@fernridge.k12.or.us

Calendar DatesOn Monday night, the FRSD School Board adopted the 2021-2022 Calendar presented to them by the FRSD Calendar Committee.  The link is on the right hand side of our webpage.  The direct link is here: 2021-2022 Calendar

Absent any significant increases in restrictions put out by ODE or OHA as a result of COVID-19, we fully expect to return to a normal school calendar in 21-22 with every student attending every day, and having early release Wednesdays.  While there almost certainly will be additional safety protocols and practices in place for some time, we are committed to doing whatever it takes to maintain a normal calendar.

This year has continued to be like no other. The planning, prepping, communication, and working with others has never been so important. We could not do this work without the amazing administrative professionals we have here in FRSD. The work they do day in and day out has a big impact in many workplaces but definitely here in FRSD. They make our offices more efficient and productive every single day. Much of the work they do is behind the scenes so we want to make sure that we take a moment to thank them for EVERYTHING that they do!



Thank you Michelle Cook (District Office)!

Thank you Dawn Northey (EES)!

Thank you Becky Walton & Shelby Humphrey(VES)!

Thank you Tammy Eutsler & Casey Anderson(FRMS)!

Thank you Lorie Hafner(EHS)!

Thank you Tammy Boren(Special Services)!

Lane County Public Health will be holding a vaccine clinic for people 16 to 17 years old.

Where: Lane Community College

When: April 24 and 25 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.

What: 2,400 doses of Pfizer will be made available for those 16 to 17 years old.  Additional doses will be made available to the general public.

How: This clinic is by appointment only, please go to http://lanecounty.org/vaxclinics to schedule your vaccine appointment.

Important: All Lane County Public Health clinics are free.  You do not need insurance and will not be asked for any financial information

Look out for each other! With distance!Lane County Public Health has let us know that there has been an increase in the number of school age children who are testing positive for the COVID-19 virus. The County has completed contact tracing and has found the  increase is not because students have returned to the classroom but because more school age children are going out and about. 

Reported cases are related to visiting with friends and family, attending parties, sleepovers or play dates. 

This is a confusing time for students. It is hard to understand why they can go to the school, but cannot go to be with their friends.  As a parent, trying to explain this to your child can be difficult. 

Some talking points that might help:

  • At school, masks are required to be worn by everyone in the building; when you are out with friends or family not everyone may wear a mask.
  • At school, staff help students keep their masks on; when out with friends or family you may forget to wear your mask.
  • Masks / face coverings help to keep you, your friends, and family safe.
  • At school there are reminders to stay 3-6 feet apart; it is hard to say 3 feet from your friends and family.

Parents of teens:  If you would like some additional talking points for teens, email me at tparsons@fernridge.k12.or and I can share some ideas with you.

Remember just because you cannot see it doesn’t mean it isn’t there. 

A person can be infected with the COVID-19 virus and not have any symptoms. This is one of the reasons it spreads so easily. With the County numbers going back up, it can impact students being at school and being able to be out in the community.   It is not being at school that spreads the virus.  Spread happens when we stop guarding and protections against the virus.  As a parent we have to make choices for our children, sometimes they are hard but needed choices.

Keep up the good work and help to keep our community safe. 

Nurse Teresa

As many FRSD families may have heard by now, the U.S. Department of Education recently denied the Oregon Department of Education’s request for a waiver of summative testing for the 2020-2021 school year. Due to this decision, the Fern Ridge School District is currently beginning the process of readying our staff and students for state assessments.

ODE’s window for state assessments is April 13-June 11, however, each individual school will set their own testing dates within that window. Due to the nature of this school year, ODE has shortened the blueprint and the time each assessment takes, as well as reducing the number of required assessments at each grade level. The table of required assessments, optional assessments, and approximate test time frame is below. All students will have the opportunity to take all available grade level assessments.

If families do not want their child(ren) to participate in state assessments this year, the link to opt-out of the Math and ELA assessments is below. Please fill out and return to your child’s school as soon as possible. They will be accepted until the day before testing begins (dates vary by school). Science has a separate student exemption procedure. See note below for an explanation of that process. If you are not opting your child out, your child will participate in the required (not optional) state testing with their grade level. If you wish for your child to participate in the optional assessment opportunity, please contact your child’s teacher and/or school.

Thank you for your continued support!

Oregon Department of Education Summative Assessment Administration Information:

Grade Level Required Administration (except students opted-out of ELA and/or Math per ORS 329.479 or exempted from Science per OAR 581-021-009) and Approximate Testing Time per ODE (Hrs: Min) Additional (Optional) Assessment Opportunity and Approximate Testing Time per ODE (Hrs: Min)
3 English Language Arts (ELA) (1:10) Mathematics (1:00)
4 Mathematics (1:00) ELA (1:10)
5 Science (1:20) Mathematics (1:00)

ELA (1:10)

6 ELA (1:10) Mathematics (1:05)
7 Mathematics (1:05)

ELA (1:10)

8 Mathematics  (1:05)

Science (1:20)

ELA (1:10)
11 ELA (1:00)

Mathematics (0:50)

Science (1:30)

Opt-Out Link for ELA & Math Assessments:


If choosing to opt-out your child from state testing, please fill out and return to your child’s school before the start of the testing window (as designated by your child’s school).

Information on Exemption from Science Assessment from ODE’s Website:

Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 581-022-1910 allows school districts to excuse students from a state required program or learning activity, including state testing, to accommodate a student’s disabilities or religious beliefs. This rule governs exemption requests for the state tests in Science and Social Sciences, the English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA21), and the Kindergarten Assessment.

  • Are there eligibility requirements? Yes. Parents may request exemptions under OAR 581-022-1910 based on the student’s disability or religion.
  • What is the process for a parent to make this request? The authority to exempt students from state testing belongs to local school districts. In order for a school district to excuse a student from testing under Oregon law, the student’s parent or guardian must submit a written request to the school district listing the reasons for the exemption and proposing an alternative individualized learning activity for the student that meets the same goals that would be accomplished by participation in state testing. Appropriate school personnel must evaluate and approve the parent request.


The FRSD is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative      Action/Veteran’s Preference employer.


The district does not discriminate on the basis of  race, religion, color, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, sex or  age in its programs or activities.


FRSD Title IX Coordinator

Michelle Marshall 541-935-2253 Ext 1220

FRSD ADA Title II Coordinator

Gary Carpenter 541-935-2253 Ext 1203

FRSD 504 Coordinator

Rilke Klingsporn 541-935-2253 Ext 1301

88834 Territorial Rd.

Elmira, OR 97437


ODE Fall 2023 Title IX Sexual Harassment Training August 2023

Title IX Review & Refresh

Title IX Sexual Harassment Part 1 of 2

Part 2 of 2


District Calendar

Printable Calendar 2023-24

Printable Calendar 2024-2025

Calendario del distrito 2023-2024

Calendario del distrito 2024-2025


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