Students and Parents (6th-12th grade) at FRMS, EHS, and FRSD OPTIONS:

For the last week, we have been working on protocols and things we can implement and execute in regards to providing students and families more flexibility with letter grades, GPA’s and Pass vs No Pass grading. Below is our plan. If you have specific questions, please reach out to Ms. Johnson (FRMS Principal), Mr. Gardner (EHS Principal), or Mr. Cooper (FRSD OPTIONS Program Coordinator).

EHS: In the past, the option to take a class with a P/NP vs a letter grade at the High School, extended through the first two weeks of a semester. In our current environment, that option will be available to students and families for up to one week FOLLOWING the end of the semester (you can check your student’s grades through the Home Access Center). With the semester ending Feb 5th, this will allow a student to select a Pass/No Pass option up until the 12th of February. This will delay report cards by one week. A PARENT OR GUARDIAN may elect to inform the H.S. today, tomorrow, in a few weeks, or following final exams in early February, that they would like to take a class Pass/No Pass. The earlier you inform us, the better. Letter grades will continue to show on progress reports, up until the time that this request is made. Once the request is made and entered, grades on the progress report will show up in the one class, or multiple classes, as a Pass or No Pass as requested. A student can elect to take one, or all four classes as Pass/No Pass. A grade of a Pass or a No Pass will NOT affect a student’s GPA. To make this change you can call the High School at 541-935-8200 and ask to speak to Mrs. Baker (EHS Registrar) or email her at

The second level of flexibility at EHS we are able to afford students is an extended period of time to “drop” a class, without having an “F” or “No-Pass” penalty. Typically, students had two weeks to notify us they wanted to drop a class without the penalty. We are now extending this to the mid-point of the semester, November 13th.

The third level of flexibility that MAY be provided is an “extended semester’ This would be a case where a student is given two more weeks following the end of the semester, to work with their teacher to improve their grade to a passing one. This is NOT afforded every time, to every student, it MAY be available to some based on their specific circumstances.

FRMS: In the past, there has not been an option to take a class with Pass/No Pass vs a letter grade at the Middle School. In our current environment, (similar to that at EHS described above) that option will be available to students and families for up to one week FOLLOWING the end of the semester (you can check your student’s grades through the Home Access Center). With the semester ending Feb 5th, this will allow a student to select this option up until the 12th of February. This will delay report cards by one week. A PARENT OR GUARDIAN may elect to inform the FRMS today, tomorrow, in a few weeks, or following final exams in early February, that they would like to take a class Pass/No Pass. The earlier you inform us, the better. Letter grades will continue to show on progress reports, up until the time that this request is made. Once the request is made and entered, grades on the progress report will show up in the one class, or multiple classes, as a Pass or a No Pass as requested. A student can elect to take one, or all five classes as Pass/No Pass. A grade of a Pass or a No Pass will NOT affect a student’s GPA. To make this change you can call FRMS at 541-935-8230 and ask to speak to Mrs. Eutsler (FRMS Secretary) or email her at

OPTIONS Program (Grades 6-8): Any student in the Options 6-12 program who is not passing a class at the November quarter grade will receive a grade of NP.

If a student would like to request to take a class Pass/Np Pass, instead of a letter grade, their parent/guardian can simply request that by sending an email to the OPTIONS Program Director Mr. Cooper, at  This option will continue to be available up to one week following the grading period that ends on November 20th.

Options high school students who have incomplete classes by November 20th may arrange to continue a course, finishing by February 5th.

Students will receive some new classes in November, to fill out a standard six half-credit semester. Students may still add or drop a class, but at a minimum will receive a final grade in at least five classes by February.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to your building administrator or front office staff. 

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Michelle Marshall 541-935-2253 Ext 1220


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Gary Carpenter 541-935-2253 Ext 1203


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