As we start into the cold and flu season I would like to remind everyone that it is important to keep students and staff  home if they show any symptoms of being ill. This is a good time to rethink being sick. “It is just a cold,” “I don’t feel well but I am going to work anyway.” Do these sound familiar? Ever notice that when one person goes to work or school when they do not feel well, everyone around that person then gets sick also?

The following are symptoms of a viral illness:
😔Fatigue (extreme tiredness)
😟Muscle or body aches (not related to exercise)
😝Sore throat
🤧 Congestion or runny nose
🤢Nausea or vomiting

It is important to stay home if there are any symptoms of any illness. Remember the basics of preventing disease:

~Practice healthy habits which includes getting enough sleep 😴, drinking water 🥛 and eating healthy foods 🍎
~Get the flu vaccination 💉
~Cough into your sleeve or elbow 👍
~And most important; wash your hands or use hand sanitizer frequently 🧼
~Help the school community reduce the spread of illness this school year. 😷

Nurse Teresa

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The district does not discriminate on the basis of  race, religion, color, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, sex or  age in its programs or activities.


FRSD Title IX Coordinator

Michelle Marshall 541-935-2253 Ext 1220


FRSD ADA Title II and Civil Rights Coordinator

Gary Carpenter 541-935-2253 Ext 1203


FRSD 504 Coordinator

Rilke Klingsporn 541-935-2253 Ext 1301


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