2022 English Language Arts (ELA) Curriculum Adoption
Dear Fern Ridge School District Students, Families, and Community Members:
This year, FRSD will be adopting a new language arts curriculum for K-12 students across the district, designed to meet Oregon’s state educational standards and align between grade levels. Curriculum includes the textbooks, materials, and digital resources that support student instruction. Teams from each school including administrators, classroom and special education teachers, intervention specialists, and English language development specialists have been researching programs from various publishers.
Following a rigorous evaluation process, we are excited to share FRSD’s recommended curriculum with our families. Feedback from community stakeholders is welcomed.
K-5: McGraw Hill – Wonders
6-8: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt – Into Literature
9-12: Savvas – My Perspectives
If you would like to stop by the District Office to view the materials in person, ask questions, or share your opinions, please feel free set up an appointment.
This FRSD ELA Curriculum Review.pptx outlines our review process and contains links so you can explore additional information, view publisher videos, and more. After reviewing the materials, please complete this survey to share your thoughts.
Thank you for sharing your perspective and partnering with us as we work to adopt and implement the best possible curriculum to support FRSD students’ and teachers’ needs.
Michelle Marshall
Director of K-12 Programs
541-935-2253, ext. 1220
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