FRSD Students and Families:

Thank you for your continued patience as staff are working hard behind the scenes to continue with the things we have currently ongoing, as well as planning our move to “Distance Learning” in the coming weeks.  Below are some general bullet points of information.

  1. We expect further, specific information regarding Seniors from ODE next week.  For now, a general update around what to expect has been posted on the COVID-19 CLOSURE page, on the 12th grade link (click here).
  2. Our meal service continues to operate, and we are getting better and more efficient each day.  The last couple days we have served right at 1000 meals a day.  For more information on meal service and how to access it (click here).  Thank you to Alan Fullerton, Chartwells director, his staff, and the FRSD staff working to coordinate and provide this.
  3. In conjunction with the Fern Ridge Child Development Center, we have a daycare site up and running that can provide childcare for essential workers.  If you need to access this, please contact them directly, or the FRSD District Office.  Thank you to Danyel Parker, her staff, and the FRSD staff providing this.
  4. Tomorrow we have several staff working on our distance learning plan, the framework and technology supports that families will need, and that the district can support.  Our goal is to meet the ODE timeline of April 13th.  We will keep you posted.
  5. We have yet to receive specific guidance regarding 9th-11th graders from ODE regarding ways to accrue credit, and/or graduation requirements.  Until we get that guidance, we cannot fully plan for or describe what our Fern Ridge plan will look like.  As soon as we get it, we will get a plan in place quickly and inform you.
  6. All families should expect a call early next week (possibly as early as Monday).  We will be asking a few short questions to assess the technology capabilities in your home.
  7. In the coming weeks we will have plans around:
    1. Accessing books materials from schools
    2. Accessing student devices (chromebooks)
    3. How to turn in materials/work to be assessed
    4. Training for students and parents on any technology to be used………and much more!

Finally, as we work to move toward this distance learning model, we want to emphasize that our overriding emphasis is for the care and support of our families, in any way that we possibly can.  Your level of engagement with distance learning is up to you in regards to the amount, and or level you want to engage at.  We will attempt to accommodate this undoubtedly wide range of circumstances.  Depending on the stressors you have occurring in your own lives/households, this will look different.  We understand that, and will support you.  We will work hard to meet you wherever you are at, with the resources that we have.

Gary E. Carpenter, Jr. Superintendent, FRSD 28J


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FRSD Title IX Coordinator

Michelle Marshall 541-935-2253 Ext 1220


FRSD ADA Title II and Civil Rights Coordinator

Gary Carpenter 541-935-2253 Ext 1203


FRSD 504 Coordinator

Rilke Klingsporn 541-935-2253 Ext 1301


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