School Closure

At the board meeting on Monday night, I shared the framework of our re-opening school plans for the Fern Ridge School District.  This framework has been created over the past few weeks based on the extensive requirements and guidelines put out by ODE and OHA, as well as input from our staff, students, and parents. The framework is as follows:

For families that need or choose to access Comprehensive Distance Learning, we will have a program. We have created a new department within our district:  The FRSD Options Program.  The staff in this department will support students and families that choose this option.  At the elementary level it will be through the Google Classroom platform and for grades 6-12, it will be through the platform of Edgenuity.  The extensive logistics of this will be worked out in the coming weeks.  We have started the work on this.  The exact start date, how to register, and more detailed information (a handbook so to speak) will come out as soon as it is available.

For families that need or choose to have students in school, our brick and mortar schools will be open as follows:

Elementary school: There will be no school on Mondays. Every Tuesday through Friday throughout the year, school will be in session. All students enrolled will come to school each of the four days. Google classroom will be taught and used in school, so that if we need to transition to either Short Term Distance Learning or Comprehensive Distance Learning for all, we will have the ability to do so. In addition to traditional Spring Break and Winter Break, there will be no school the week of Thanksgiving.  We will be implementing extensive hygiene and sanitation protocols, and using cohorting along with physical distancing as required.

Middle School and High School: There will be no school on Mondays.  Every Tuesday through Friday throughout the school year, school will be in session.  Students will be split into two cohorts and attend school on either the “A-days” (Tuesday and Thursday) or “B-days” (Wednesday and Friday). Some of our students with higher needs will have the option of attending all four days. In addition to traditional Spring Break and Winter Break, there will be no school the week of Thanksgiving.

In the coming weeks, as we work on the logistics of this massive undertaking (including but not limited to supporting staff,  students, and families, transporting students safely, delivering meals, and creating daily schedules) we will keep parents informed.  The exact start date of school has not been determined.  We are just now beginning to address critical details on whether or not we  need to stagger our start (bring students back slowly or on an adjusted schedule) and what that looks like to ensure we are prepared for what will be a new and challenging school program.

Per ODE requirements, the district must submit a “blueprint” documenting what “re-opening” looks like at each building by August 15th.  At that time we will be able to share more of the specific details of each option, we will be asking parents to review those details and inform the District of which option they prefer for their family.

Sometime in the next week to ten days I expect ODE, in cooperation with OHA, to put out more specific metrics that will give local leaders additional information. This will be on what local infection rates are, and how districts should consider that information when considering full-time distance learning vs. full-time brick and mortar as well as a wide range of possibilities that lie somewhere between those two models.  That guidance will be reviewed, as well as any other new information or trends that occur.  We are trying to create a model that allows for flexibility and the ability to move into and out of brick and mortar buildings with minimal disruption, when required to do so.  Thank you for your continued patience as we navigate this and try to find creative ways to serve our students and families.

Gary E. Carpenter, Jr.

Superintendent, FRSD

FRSD Students and Families

For the past several weeks, staff have been reviewing the Oregon Department of Education requirements, along with Oregon Health Authority and Centers for Disease Control recommendations regarding re-opening schools.

This week our formal planning began with a “brainstorming / planning session” that included nearly 30 folks from a wide group of constituents, including staff, students, and community members.  These planning sessions will continue every Tuesday, through the month of July.  In addition, this past Wednesday I hosted a a google meet for some parents and community members.  These are held to share what was discussed during our session, our challenges, and thoughts so far, as well as  an opportunity to ask questions and provide input.

These sessions will continue on Wednesdays at 3:30 and anyone is free to attend and listen, as well as type any questions in the chat box.  You can access these meetings at: or by calling 1-385-393-4218 PIN 537353691#.  Please mute yourself upon entering the meeting.  The login information will be the same for each of these Wednesday meetings.

The requirements we must operate under to bring students back are extensive and extremely challenging.  Our plans are due to the Oregon Department of Education by August 15th.  When we submit our plan, it will be shared and posted to the website.  The goals for our re-opening/planning committee are:

  1. The maintain the safety of our students and staff.
  2. To follow OHA, CDC and ODE requirements and guidelines.
  3. To get all students K-12 into brick and mortar buildings as much as possible.
  4. Create a model that allows for a seamless transition to comprehensive online distance learning if required.

The committee hopes to have a framework of a proposal to present to the FRSD School Board on Monday, July 20th for them to review and offer their approval.  If the framework of our proposal is approved by the school board, the extensive work will begin in regards to the logistics of executing this framework.  There are many elements, outside of providing quality instruction, that the district is charged with addressing, including:  Transportation, Food Service, Sanitation and Cleaning, Cohorting, Social Distancing, Entry and Screening Protocols, Technology for Online and Distance Learning, Professional Development for Staff, Public Health Communication / Isolation Protocols, and  Staffing and Personnel issues, just to name a few.

As we progress, we will continue to provide updates as they become available, so that parents have all the information they need to make decisions that are best for their families.  Thank you in advance for your patience and support.

Gary E. Carpenter, Jr.

Superintendent, FRSD 28J

Free summer meals for youth in the community begins on June 29th-August 28th.  This is a Food For Lane County program.  Below are the details:

WHERE: Territorial Park in Veneta (The skate park)

WHEN:  Monday through Friday, from 11 AM-12:00 (closed July 3rd due to the holiday)

WHAT:  Breakfast and lunch are served together!

HOW:  You can “walk up” or “drive through”

WHO:  To pick up the meals, the child does NOT have to be present.  All children age 0-18 are eligible, no geographic requirement or documentation needed!

QUESTIONS OR MORE INFORMATION:  Call FOOD For Lane County at 541-343-2822, or visit them at  Click here to see the map of all the food sites around Lane county.  Click here to see their informative flyer.

Have a great summer, and please, utilize this resource!

Fern Ridge School District Colleagues and Families,

Over the past week we have observed our nation react to the senseless death of George Floyd while in police custody.  While this event didn’t take place here locally, it is certainly felt everywhere and by everyone, including our local law enforcement that care about our community. Everyone in the Fern Ridge School District stands with people of color that make up our students, staff, and families. While our thoughts are with our entire community, they are especially with those who are most affected by the recent news and events. While it is impossible for many of us to fully understand what it is like to live in a world where racism exists, and how that manifests itself in the daily experience of the communities that experience it, know that all of us in Fern Ridge stand with you.

As a district, we stand by our mission to “Provide excellence for every student”. In recent years, staff have had extra training on supporting students that have experienced trauma and the implicit biases that we all have. In partnership with some excellent Lane ESD staff, we have started Black Student Unions at both the Middle and High School to afford our black students an opportunity to discuss challenges they are presented with and to problem solve solutions. Having said that, it is clear we must do more.   For example, as a rural community it has been difficult to hire staff that look like all of our students. How different and disheartening must it be for our students of color to attend school every day, for 12+ years, yet rarely if ever have an instructor that looks like them? Schools are to be a safe place for all students, and we have both an obligation and a unique opportunity to ensure we graduate students that prioritize kindness and equity in all of their interactions.

I look forward to a future when communications like this are not necessary, as I certainly know I am growing weary of seeing our country torn apart by injustices, just as many of you are.

To our families of color, we stand ready to support you any way that we can. You are invited to talk with us about your experiences within our school system, or the experiences of your children at any time.


Gary E. Carpenter, Jr. Superintendent, FRSD 28J

In stressful times, parents can help children feel safe by openly discussing issues that are impacting them. Below are some links to resources that some may find useful at this time:

  1. “Talking to children about violence”: (visit link here)
  2. Tips for educators: (visit link here)
  3. Tips for parents: (visit link here)
  4. A shared call for action to end racism and violence against people of color: (visit link here)

Below is some general information about our graduation ceremony this Friday, at EHS.  Late Wednesday, or early Thursday following a test/run-through we will be sharing additional information for folks that will not be able to attend, and how they can access a live broadcast of the ceremony.

  1.  The graduation ceremony will be taking place in the EHS Parking lot at 7:00 PM on Friday Night.  We have a stage set up extra high so that hopefully everyone can see from their cars.
  2. We are working in conjunction with KOCF 92.7 FM to broadcast the ceremony.  Attendees at the ceremony will listen via their car radios.
  3. Unfortunately, each graduate is only allowed 2 vehicles max.  One that they are in, and one additional vehicle.  These “2nd vehicles” must have a pass (the graduates will get them Wednesday night) you must have this pass in order to enter.  All of these “2nd vehicles” must enter EHS via Fir Grove Lane off of Territorial.  The gate to enter will open at 6:00 PM.
  4. Folks not in attendance will be able to listen to the broadcast via KOCF 92.7 on their radios (if local) or through a streaming of the KOCF broadcast at:
  5. We hope to have a live video stream of the ceremony through either facebook live, or youtube live.  More information on how to access that will be coming out shortly.
  6. We are working on expanding our wifi capabilities tremendously for this event, in the parking lot.  This will allow attendees in cars to view the stream.  However, with 180 cars, all streaming….limiting to one device per car (phone, tablet, laptop, etc…) will be VERY helpful.  Thank you for your assistance.
  7. The nature of this ceremony is undoubtedly going to take longer than the traditional hour.  Please be patient, and there will be port-a-potties available on site.
  8. Please maintain social distancing guidelines when in attendance.
  9. Masks are recommended for visitors and graduates, but not required.  All staff assisting with the ceremony will be wearing masks.

We look forward to celebrating the class of 2020!  Go Falcons

  1. Today is DOUBLE meal day.  Meals will come in larger bags that include 2 breakfasts and 2 lunches.
  2. No Meal Service Tomorrow.
  3. No Meal Service Monday due to the Memorial Day holiday.
  4. Meal service and packet-pickup/deliver continues on Tuesday, May 26th!


Over the last week, I have been working closely with the leadership of our teaching and classified staff unions.  The primary topic has been to  brainstorm ways to save dollars in anticipation of possible significant cuts to our State School Funding for the 20-21 school year.  Going into those discussions, the goals of all the parties were to minimize the impact on students and families, while saving as many dollars as possible in payroll.  We have been able to negotiate and agree on the plan described below.

Furlough Days:  All staff are taking three furlough days.  These days will save the district our employee wages for three days (about $50,000 a day, $150,000 total,  with all 162 employees).  The unions agreed to make these days be days that DO NOT impact students.  All employee groups, classified, certified, administrator, and confidential employees, will be taking these three days in lost wages.

WorkShare Days:  In addition, beginning Monday, May 18th, all staff will have their daily hours reduced by 20-25% through the remainder of the school year.  This will result in another four days of savings (although not quite as much as a furlough day, about $37,000 a day) for the final four weeks of the school year.  For these four days, staff will be participating in the Employment Department WorkShare Program.  This program allows businesses with more than three employees to reduce the hours of employees while maintaining their jobs and other benefits such as insurance.  The total savings for these four WorkShare days to the District General Fund will be another approximately $150,000.  The only way these WorkShare days will affect families and students is that K-8, teachers will be available to work and communicate with students for a little less each day, office hours will be approximately 8:00-2:30.  For our High School students, individual teachers may vary, but in general, will be available for about 90 minutes less each day at varying times.  Also, while school offices will remain open each day, the hours will be adjusted to be 8:00-2:30.  We hope that the direct effect on students and parents is minimal, knowing that the effects of our current situation is already tremendously impactful on our students and families.

The savings the district will see will begin to partly address the reduction the district is expecting to see in our State School Fund payment for the 20-21 school year.

Thank you to our staff for agreeing to participate in these reductions, and to our students and families for their continued grace and patience.

Please see the dates and updated information regarding the meal service and packet pick-up schedule through Tuesday, May 26th:

May 18th (Today):  Normal meal service + packet pick up routes taking place.

May 21st (Thursday):  Double meals being served this day (2 lunches + 2 breakfasts due to no deliveries on Friday).

May 22nd (Friday):  No service due to it being a non-contract day for FRSD Classified staff.

May 25th (Monday):  No service due to Memorial Day.

May 26th (Tuesday):  Normal meal service resumes  + packet pick up routes taking place.

A public meeting of the Budget Committee of the Fern Ridge School District 28J, Lane County, State of Oregon, to discuss the budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021, will be held Tuesday, May 19, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. In response to the current health emergency resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, the District facilities are currently closed to the public and meetings are being held virtually through Google Meet at or by dialing (‪US)‪+1 406-578-4644 PIN: ‪654 284 727#.

The purpose of the meeting is to receive the budget message and to receive comments from the public on the budget. This is a public meeting where deliberation of the Budget Committee will take place. Public comment will be taken in written form. Written comments received by 10 a.m. on May 19, 2020 will be read into the record during the public comment section of the meeting on May 19, 2020. To schedule public comment, please provide your name, address, along with the comment to Comments will be subject to a three-minute limit per community member as they are read into the record. Any person may submit questions to

A copy of the budget document may be inspected on line at or obtained by mail via email request to The budget document will be available for viewing and mailing on or after May 13, 2020.

This notice and more information about the budget can be found at


UPDATED MEAL ROUTES:  Route 13, beginning tomorrow May 6th, will drop the Fleck stop and add a stop at the Department of Forestry Parking lot.  CLICK HERE for the updated meal bus route schedule.

PACKET PICK-UP AND DELIVERY:  This continues every Monday.  Yesterday we were able to pick up over 40 packets, and deliver around 20.  If you would like to try out having your distance learning packet delivered, please communicate with your child’s teacher or school.  The route and stop times can be viewed by CLICKING HERE.


The FRSD is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative      Action/Veteran’s Preference employer.


The district does not discriminate on the basis of  race, religion, color, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, sex or  age in its programs or activities.


FRSD Title IX Coordinator

Michelle Marshall 541-935-2253 Ext 1220

FRSD ADA Title II Coordinator

Gary Carpenter 541-935-2253 Ext 1203

FRSD 504 Coordinator

Rilke Klingsporn 541-935-2253 Ext 1301

88834 Territorial Rd.

Elmira, OR 97437


ODE Fall 2023 Title IX Sexual Harassment Training August 2023

Title IX Review & Refresh

Title IX Sexual Harassment Part 1 of 2

Part 2 of 2


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Printable Calendar 2023-24

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Calendario del distrito 2023-2024

Calendario del distrito 2024-2025

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